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Who’s Behind This

Who’s Behind This

Who’s Behind this Effort?

In case you are curious, Louisiana Baptists are behind “Here for You.” Who are we? We are an association of churches who love Jesus and people. We desire to see our friends and neighbors experience the joy, purpose and forgiveness that comes from having a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. In an uncertain world, Jesus promises He will never leave you or forsake you.

A Closer Look at Louisiana Baptists

If you visit a Louisiana Baptist church, keep in mind you won’t find a group of perfect people. Like you, we face the challenges of life, but we face them together. We’re excited to meet you and your family.

Tell Us a Little About You

We are here for you so, we’d like to know a little about you. Please complete and submit the information requested. No one will contact you without your permission. Use the button below for more information on the ministries of Louisiana Baptists.

Contact Us


Louisiana Baptists care deeply about your walk with the Lord, and would love the opportunity to pray for you.

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God Loves You

You’ve probably heard this at some point in your life. It’s true. God says He loves you with an everlasting love. Interested learning more about this amazing love? Discover how you can know Him.

Find a Church

A church is like a support group, comprised of imperfect people who gather to learn more about the God who made them, loves them and helps them mature in their faith. Find a Louisiana Baptist church near you.


Maybe you saw it on social media, via a streaming service or even on TV. These mini-stories of life point you to the God who can change your life. Watch the commercial that caught your attention.